Africa's Children in Education

The Last Three Classrooms Go Up!

It doesn’t seem possible that just five years ago the first classroom for Arise School was still under construction. It opened in January 2013 with 11 children. By January this year, there were seven completed classrooms and over 270 children!

Only a few months ago, with donations of building materials and labour from the local community, the foundations for the last three classrooms were laid. Then the walls started to go up. Once again, builders in the local community donated cement.  

At the beginning of this month, we had managed to raise enough through ACE to send out money for work on the roof to be started. This week, the timber for the roof supports was delivered.  

When the roof is on, the aim will be to fully complete one of the three classrooms – plastering, doors, windows, painting, fittings and, finally, desks and chairs for 40 children – ready for the start of the new school year in January 2018.  

The progress in the last five years has been tremendous. A field has been transformed into a thriving school. Whilst there is still much fundraising to be done to fully complete these last three classrooms, we are now entering the next stage – the school’s longer term development. To find out what this will look like, don’t forget to read next week’s blog!

              Please help us to complete Arise School by donating online now. All money raised goes directly to the school.