Africa's Children in Education

The Community working for the Community

When we were last at Arise School in February, Frank told us that he had been offered some donations of sand, cement and building materials by local businesses to start building a fourth classroom. In addition, members of the community were offering their time and labour free to start building it.


We recently received some photos of the foundations being dug. They tell their own story of “the community working for the community”. Thirty two volunteers worked tirelessly from 8 am to evening. It was a hard day but the volunteers had the heart to work. Two weeks’ work was done in a day!


The chairperson of Wiri village where the school is located is now organising a group of fundis (workmen) and other people to start building the foundations and gather more rocks. The photos show how just how integral the school has become to the village – a valued part of the local community providing education for their children.



We hope that the materials donated will enable the classroom to be built up to the lintels. ACE has now started to fundraise in order to enable the classroom to be completed – windows, door, plastering, painting and, not least, for the roof. We very much hope that it will be possible for the money to be raised and the work finished for the start of the new school year in January 2016. That would be a great achievement providing a further 35 places in the school.




Please help us to complete the classroom and make this possible by donating on line or setting up a standing order. Every donation received will contribute towards completion of the classroom and make it possible for more children to receive an education.