“Tales From Tanzania”
&”Tales From Tanzania”, November, 2015
Week 2: Far More Than A School – Part 1
Whilst at Arise School, it has been great to see the progress and development since our last visit earlier this year. The fourth classroom which is on schedule to be completed for January; the growth in the number of children- 118 now registered and, already, enquiries from new families for their children to start in January; the school kitchen, completely finished and in full use; the school grounds becoming more established, including papaya, banana and avocado trees yielding fruit for the children’s lunches and, most recently, a small chicken project to start to provide eggs and, in due course, hopefully, some meat.
Most importantly, it is the change in the children that stands out. The growth in their confidence and learning, in particular, their English; their improved physical health and general wellbeing as a result of our successful “Buy a Breakfast” appeal. This has meant that, since January the school has been able to give the children both a simple breakfast every morning and something at lunchtime, like rice or beans. Not least, with food in their tummies, they are able to concentrate in class and make the most of their chance to learn.
Talking to people, there are three things that mark Arise School out. Firstly, the standard of the buildings compared with most other schools in Tanzania. We wanted them to be well built so that they will last and provide a pleasant physical environment in which the children can learn. Secondly, the fact that it is an English speaking school, so important to their future education given that, at secondary school, all lessons are taught in English. Thirdly, it is the love and care the children receive from their teachers and all the staff that stands out and, especially, the fact that they know they come to school every day to learn in an environment that does not permit physical punishment, still allowed in schools throughout Tanzania. They know that in Arise School there is no “learning through fear”.
It is all of this that makes Arise School “far more than a school”.
Please help us to continue to develop Arise School in this way by by donating online now at ACECharity.uk