“Rock Choirs Raise An Amazing £870 for ACE”
One of our supporters is a member of the St Helens Rock Choir. She sent us the piece below:
“For anyone who is unfamiliar, Rock Choir is the pioneering, contemporary choir of the UK with over 20,000 members across the UK. The power of music, meeting new friends and performing at life changing events contribute to a seismic journey for the choir members.
Every year each group of choirs chooses a charity to put forward for fund raising. Our supporter proposed ACE. Her suggestion was accepted by the members of four choirs and fundraising took place during the last two weeks of March.
The four choirs joined together and performed a repertoire of songs at a wide range of venues, including Booths Supermarket, two churches and a High School Spring Fair. At the St Helens choir rehearsal, Sue came along, enjoyed a free performance and set up a stall of African crafts for members to buy. Choir members sang in their pyjamas to raise funds; luckily it was still dark at night!
One choir member is now sponsoring a child in the ABC class at Arise School and is delighted to receive news from ACE. Our choir leader, Laura, expressed her pleasure at being able to contribute to Arise School and the children’s education there. Having looked on the ACE website, Laura commented that they are lovely children and so happy.
The result of these very enjoyable fundraising events was a staggering £870.53 for the ACE account. Ron as Treasurer is a very happy man!”
A huge “Asante sana” (Thank you) to Laura, all the members of the four Rock Choirs concerned and our supporter for their brilliant efforts on behalf of ACE and Arise School. Their singing both raised such an amazing amount for the charity and was uplifting for all who listened to them.