Meet Teacher Martha Maina
Martha joined Arise School as a teacher back in 2016. She studied at college in the local town of Moshi and loves teaching, in particular,
Grade 2. Martha especially loves teaching at Arise, banana stew and pilau!

Martha lives in the local community
with her husband, Emmanuel.
They met and married whilst both
were working at the school.
Not only had Emmanuel been a builder
at the school from the time the first
foundations were laid, they also chose
to hold their wedding celebrations
in the school grounds. Mt Kilimanjaro and
the tropical foliage of the surroundings
were the perfect background to their
wedding photos!
Emmanuel and Martha now have three young daughters. Like their mother, two of them love being at Arise and the safe environment it provides for them to learn.
Martha’s colleagues describe her as the “picture of perseverance”. She is organised and strict but also laughs a lot. In her own words,

My name is Martha Maina and I am a second grade teacher. This is my 6th year of teaching at Arise Community School and I love my Arise family.
I have taught many grades over the years and have loved all of them but second grade is definitely my favourite grade so far and that’s where my heart is. I enjoy watching football, cooking and cheering on my girls when they play sports and spending time with family and friends.
The school has really become part of me; it has provided me with so many opportunities to grow. And I really enjoy my time here.”

Asked to sum up teaching at Arise in a five word sentence, Martha replied:
“The most rewarding, fun job”.
What a great recommendation for anyone thinking about teaching at Arise. Thank you, Martha, for all your commitment and efforts as an Arise staff member.