Africa's Children in Education

Developing Potential at Arise Through Music

In many countries throughout the world, music is regularly taught as a subject in schools.  Through exposure to music, pupils are able to access the benefits that music can bring to extend learning, improve their wellbeing and develop their potential, including playing an instrument.

However, in Tanzania, this is generally not the case with the school curriculum focussing very much on academic subjects.  Whilst some children might have the privilege and opportunity to access music lessons, generally, this is not the case.

This is especially so for children living in the Wiri community where farming and animal keeping is what most grow up knowing.  Neither adults nor children will ever have experienced a music class or picked up a musical instrument to play.   Sadly, access to such privileges are very limited

Arise School has taken up the challenge to change this.  It is their dream to start and run a music class.  Arise believes that learning through music will contribute so much to the future wellbeing of its students.  It is their belief that this unique project will change the lives of it children and of those in the Wiri community more widely.  For some, this may be their future dream.  

Already, with the support of friends who have kindly donated instruments that are no longer required, Arise has been able to make a basic start to realise the project.  We very much hope further support will be forthcoming.

We extend our grateful thanks to those who, through their donations, have made this start possible.  Both pupils and staff are delighted to have this opportunity.  As with all things at Arise, “from little acorns …………”