Africa's Children in Education

Children Needing Support 2022

Unfortunately, 2022 has already seen changes in the lives of several children at Arise who, sadly, have suffered the death or are affected by the chronic illness of a parent or carer leaving them either in need of sponsorship for their continued education or financial support to live in the school accommodation. 

If you or any of your family, friends or colleagues are interested in supporting a child’s education or accommodation, or in making just a small contribution towards it, either on a one-off or regular basis, we would love to hear from you.

We would be very grateful if you would pass on this email to anyone you think may be interested in supporting ACE in this way with a view to them contacting us.  We will then be in touch to discuss details of individual needs and how the particular children concerned might best be helped.

Alternatively, if you wish to do so, please visit the ACE website to make an online donation which we will use towards these costs:

Thank you for all your interest and support that enables ACE to make such a difference in the lives of these children.