“Buy a Breakfast” Appeal: 2015
This time last year, we launched our ACE “Buy a Breakfast” Christmas Appeal 2014. With the very generous support of our donors and supporters, it was successful. We were able to raise the £2,000 needed and, since January this year, we have been able to provide a simple breakfast to every child at Arise Community School. But, we need to be able to continue to do so.
As Christmas approaches, a time of plenty for so many of us, please help us to make this possible. A single donation of £20 will provide breakfast for one child for every day of the school year!
Too many of the children were coming into school hungry. Being able to have breakfast has taken away their hunger. Feedback from the school and their families is that now their physical health and wellbeing has improved. They are able to concentrate in class and make the most of their chance of an education.
Please take a minute to read the flyer below
You can either donate online now,
or send an e-mail to Ron and Sue at ACECharity@aol.com and we will advise on payment.
Stuck for a Christmas present?
Why not give a family member or friend the gift of a breakfast? We will supply a personalised Gift Certificate. Just contact us at ACECharity@aol.com.
Thank you for helping the children at Arise Community School make the most of their education.
“Buy a Breakfast” Appeal 2015
Judy tries to learn at school on an empty tummy
When Judy started at Arise Community School, she and her two older sisters went to school on an empty tummy. For her, and too many of the other children, the mug of porridge they received at school each day was their only meal. They were hungry when they went into school each morning and hungry when they went to bed at night. They were unable to concentrate in class and even became dizzy.
Through ACE, we wanted to do something to help them make the most of their opportunity of an education. We launched our “Buy a Breakfast” Appeal for Christmas 2014. As a result of its success, we have been able to provide a simple breakfast for every child every day of the 2015 school year. But we need to be able to continue to do so.
We want to be able to continue to give every child a breakfast to take away their hunger, to help them learn and to make the most of their education.
Please help us to make that possible by supporting our “Buy a Breakfast” Appeal.
A single donation of £20 will “buy a breakfast” for one child for ever day of the school year!
A standing order of £10 per month will “buy a breakfast” for six children for the whole of the school year.
In fact, you are buying far more than breakfast! You will be giving children like Judy a better chance in life.
Thank you for your help to make that possible
To make a donation, please visit our website ACECharity.uk or contact Ron or Sue at ACECharity@aol.com or tel: 0044 1744 28535