Africa's Children in Education

Arise Pupils Seeing 2021 out with Progress Reports and Class Prizes.

In Tanzania, the academic year is from January to December. At Arise School, Grade seven pupils will be moving on to secondary education in January whilst a new ABC class will be starting their education.

In all years, each Arise pupil receives an end of year Progress Report. Reports for children sponsored through ACE are also sent to the child”s individual sponsor together with an up to date photo of their child. As well as documenting academic progress, the report includes information on health, attendance, discipline and favourite activities.

Thanks to an initiative from one of our ACE trustees and his work colleagues, each year a class prize is awarded to the child considered to have tried hardest throughout the year. The prize is a trip to Moshi, a local town, to choose a book for themselves and also to enjoy what we believe to be the favourite meal for every child in Tanzania…….chicken and chips…..and a soda!

Our thanks and appreciation go to all 32 staff members at Arise – from the teachers to the cooks, the cleaners, gardeners and security team – who have worked tirelessly throughout the year to give every child both a quality education they can be proud of and a safe and secure environment in which to study.

And, finally, a huge thank you to everyone who has supported ACE throughout the year and worked with us to make this possible. We hope you have a happy holiday season and stay safe.